Photography, with the advent of mobile phone cameras, has changed. It is no longer necessary to carry anything else with you because for many, smartphones are more than enough. The big manufacturers have to be original and Canon has presented two unclassifiable camera models that have caught our attention. One, the PowerShot Zoom, is a small and powerful 800mm telephoto lens and the other PowerShot PX, takes pictures of you without you realizing it.
Taking a good photograph is difficult. Shooting without thinking is very simple and many times it will give us great memories. It is what many people look for when they put their mobile in their pocket when they leave home. This gives us the opportunity to have more memories.
But this ease has created a bondage. It is necessary to take photos always, of anything at any time. Shall I order a coffee? Photo Does the child laugh? Photo Does the family get together? A thousand photos to show how much fun we had. It is a good way to have memories, but in the end we always end up with the mobile in our hands.
Mobile photographers want to capture what is far away and many times they want to be on the other side of the lens without having to be aware of what is happening at all times.
A camera that looks like something else
We want to see that mountain, the bird that flies over us or our daughters in the martial arts championships. And since we have a cell phone, we can’t do anything. And if we take the picture, we never get out.
Some say he looks like Wall-E
These two problems are much more frequent than you can imagine. Surely you have felt identified. And Canon has found a solution that is sure to turn heads: the PowerShot Zoom and PowerShot PX.
these models are interesting for anyone who likes photography gadgets. Rarely have similar devices been seen with more possibilities than the manufacturer could have imagined. They are familiar cameras, but their functionalities depend only on the imagination of each one.
The Canon PowerShot Zoom and PowerShot PX are different cameras. The first fits in the palm of your hand and it’s basically a telephoto lens with three focal lengths: 100, 400 and 800 mm (the latter, digital). The Powershot PX is a camera that takes pictures for us and we control it by smartphone and voice.
Where is the screen? Does not have
Neither of them have a screen.. They don’t even look designed for photography. For example, the PowerShot PX is more like a surveillance camera than one meant for parties. I even think that many users will opt for this feature, thanks to the movement of their target already the possibility of controlling it through the mobile (although it is more useful as a webcam).
It is a pocket monocular camera that allows you to take pictures in jpeg format and videos in MP4. The most striking thing is that it has a three-step telephoto zoom lens. It is a camera with three telephoto lenses: 100, 400 and 800 mm (digital).
Fits in the palm of the hand
How does something so small have such a focal length? It all depends on the size of the sensor and the depth of the body. The 12 MP sensor only 1/3″ and is housed in a 103.2mm body.
The three focal points together
In this way he manages to have a lens of 100 mm and 400 mm. And thanks to a digital crop, it reaches a whopping 800mm, a focal length that we only see in stadiums. In this way we can close the angle of vision to unsuspected limits and photograph or record any distant object.
It is amazing in its concept. And it works as a perfect complement to a mobile or even a compact. It offers what these cameras don’t have: three telephoto lenses. And that is your mission.
In no case does it exceed the quality of a good compact or one without a mirror. We have to see it as a mobile telephoto lens. If we’re out in the field and see an animal in the background, we put the phone away and take out the PowerShot Zoom. As we can connect them, in a moment we have the photograph ready to send.
Its use can not be easier. The absence of a screen makes it advisable to install the app on our mobile Canon CameraConnect and in a direct way (both by bluetooth and by wifi) both devices understand each other perfectly.
It works like a mobile in mode Automatic. We cannot choose the ISO, it only has one diaphragm and the only thing we can do is shoot or record.
At the top we have the button Switched onthe one of Menu and the biggest for the zoom. At the bottom, and that we can control with our thumb, we find the diopter wheel of the viewfinder and two dedicated buttons to take photos and to make videos.
It is the perfect camera for those who do not want complications and all they are looking for are good memories. We only have to put one Micro SD card and charge it through the single USB-C port.
This other model solves another problem. Everyone has a camera in their pocket, but not everyone has to like photography. That is why there are meetings in which images are conspicuous by their absence. Or they are completely useless.
This camera serves to forget everything and have a good memory of the meeting you take it to (as long as you place it in a preferential place). You just have to connect it to the mobile through the application Connect App for Mini PTZ Cam and ready.
You turn on the camera, connect it with the application and start taking photos of your meeting without you having to worry about a thing. Even can you edit to automatically discard the worst shots you’ve ever made.
A detail of the target
The camera, which looks like a video surveillance device, begins to move with 340° pan and 110° tilt and takes photos as often as you ask. At first you are drawn to her, but soon you forget about her and she can do her job with no problem.
You can even talk to her to take a photo or video with a simple message: ‘Hey Pixie, take a picture’. At the moment you have the image on your mobile ready to send or to save it for the future.
Since it has facial recognition, it can follow people throughout the meeting and engage them spontaneously. The bad thing is that you are very ‘gesticulero’ and not very photogenic, like the one who writes these lines. But since you soon forget about her, you may have a chance.
They are simple cameras that do not offer professional quality. They do not have that claim. Its function is to complement the functions of mobile phones, not to surpass them. We cannot change anything technical. It’s just plain old fun.
And in this sense we have to see these two Canon cameras. A good experiment by the Japanese company to get on the mobile photography market by offering what smartphones still don’t have.
They have not wanted to make an elitist product, but something accessible (I’m sure they will drop in price in the future). So that everyone who needs a telephoto lens for family functions or trips to the field does not have to carry a lot of weight (isn’t this one of the reasons for the success of mobiles?).
And a camera that you can leave fixed on a shelf or on the table during parties and forget about the camera altogether. The result will depend a lot on the place where you place it, that no one crosses it and that you remember to move it so that the point of view is not always the same.
The photos and videos of these cameras have the same quality of a mid-range phone. So if you work with good light everything will be fine. But if the light fails or is poor, you will have exactly the same appearance as with your mobile phone.
I liked the Powershot Zoom better. It’s nice to go around the country with a 400mm without knowing the weight. If you see an animal you can contemplate it without problems. If someone approaches in the distance you can see who it is. And by the way you can take photos.
Of course, the quality of the digital zoom is as expected. In this case it is better to crop the photo yourself to get a little more detail. The size of the sensor and the lens only offer fun for an acceptable image.
The PowerShot PX seemed curious to me. It is true that he takes the photos for you, but he takes away that pleasure. And he lacks mobility. Surely they will soon offer the same in drone format.
These two cameras are an excellent complement to the mobile, even as a fun to see how far we can go with them. In my case I have used them to see distant details and to photograph an unassuming family reunion.
They are still cameras, and therefore they allow you to keep your memories safe. And they do well what our mobiles still don’t do. We’ll see what happens in the future, but it seems that people will take fewer and fewer photos… Meanwhile, Canon allows us to have fun with their new models.