(The FLIR LVSS C-UAS adds proven Air Domain Awareness and Counter-UAS capabilities to the market-leading mobile surveillance LVSS platform. Non-kinetic RF countermeasures provide the system with full C-UAS kill chain capabilities. Threats are detected simultaneously. Details are provided to the operator when the system is either fully deployed or while the vehicle is on-the-move. Courtesy of Teledyne FLIR and YouTube).
(The FLIR identiFINDER R700 Backpack Radiation Detector (BRD) offers new spectroscopic broad-search capabilities. Once dismounted, the identiFINDER R700 provides the capabilities required to successfully perform wide-area searches quickly and efficiently while offering exceptional sensitivity, communication, and trusted spectroscopic algorithms in a lightweight, ergonomic form-factor. Courtesy of Teledyne FLIR and YouTube.)
These experts are from Government at the federal, state, and local level as well as from private firms allied to the government.
(See just a few highlights of American Security Today’s 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon at ISC East. Courtesy of My Pristine Images and Vimeo.)
Teledyne FLIR for Strong Perimeter Security Products at ISC West 2022