I hope samsung bring back old style samsung S10 where back camera design is perfect center, i like that its look diffrent from other phone and for border screen just make it look like s22 so the top bottom and right lefft border has the same size (with or without curve), maybe with extra 100x zoom will make it lit. for the software - give os more option with the notification button icon, big circle look so old, give us some reshape. - game mode, why we should open notification bar to interacted with game mode?
forhad-61, 31 Aug 2022Oh! Is that so? I would love to introduce some more topics to backup my statement as followed.... more I appreciate your answer to which I'm gonna reply, point by point. Regarding PC industry, I'm assuming you're looking at the laptop industry, since desktops allows you to build your very own machine from scratch. ROG, Razer, Alienware, gamings laptop all had their distinctive designs for years now. Each evolution of said designs evolves a little with each release while conserving all signature touches. Alienwares laptops are Spaceships, Razers are gaming MacBooks, And ROG machines a refined blend of both. Dell XPS is the default Windows MacBook. There's also a lot more "Designable surfaces" on a laptop than on a Phone, which makes it easier to have a stand-out design without trying too hard. Apple iPhone is all about ecosystem. Once you've been bitten by it, I assume there's no way back. You can never go back to Android, just like a Mac user can never go back to windows. Regarding Apple iPhone & switching to Android, remember the ecosystem of most apple users, that probably includes but not limited to ; AirPods, AirTags, MacBook, AppleWatch.. Include anything not Apple into that nicely oiled machine, and it'll breaks. So yeah, you're (kinda) willingly imprisoned, and doesn't matter how boring & lazy & notched is the new Apple iPhone, it remains your only option. Doesn't matter how iterative. Yeah I agree that the ugly as sin 5 years old Apple iPhone notch is recognizable as far as 10 meters away. Not a compliment in my book. Regarding Galaxy A13 & M33, there's nothing wrong with the design of entry level products being inspired by their higher priced siblings. Even Ferrari is doing so. Inspired by Apple designs is another story. Such products, entry levels androids, aren't aimed at enthusiasts such as you & i, but at dudes on a budget who probably would get the lastest & notchest from Apple if they could. While seeing some reminiscence of Apple designs in some Android is a capital sin for us, to them it might be seen as a good thing. That's why Samsung don't bother to design another sketch, because the target consumer won't even notice. We do, but the target consumer, we are not. Xiaomi, Realme, even Oppo and the likes, are crushing Samsung in the low to mid-range market because they are FLOODING the market with new releases. Do you know how many Redmi Note 11s are out there ? How many variants of the same phone, recycled over and over again, milked out until there's nothing left ? 14. Redmi for example are changing a few things here and there and then they release the same phone with one more macro lens, running Miui 13 which isn't even Android 13, sometimes not even 12. This is the illusion of novelty, the phone is seemingly new because of new colors, new cameras (albeit useless lenses) & that's it. Of course it's completely impossible for a company as small a Xiaomi to ensure software support for more releases in a year than Samsung does in 5. Samsung doesn't do that, albeit a failed A53, theirs entry levels offering are consistents on both software & hardware fronts. This inevitably cost more. Add that to a less flashy marketing than the chinese offensive and you have people rather buying the flashy Yellow Poco than the toned down more expensive A53. THAT, is how Samsung can't keep up in the low to mid market. With S22 Ultra Samsung wasn't supposed to rebrand a Note, they were supposed to blend the S line and the Note line into one single device capable of satisfying buyers of both. Instead, they, indeed, rebranded & recycled the 2020 Note 20 Ultra design into something not worthy of the Galaxy S moniker. This is poor design. i agree that the S series design of 21 & 22 is a success. Only S ultra design is failed for 22, albeit it was great on the S21U release. I don't see the connection with the iPhone you made, Apple could release a dumpster fire of a design tomorrow and iPhone users would still dive in because they have no other options. This has nothing to do with design nor markting. Hopes it answer your last poing as well.
Asphalt-nation, 26 Aug 2022You don't seem to see the big picture here. Or maybe you got tunnel vision or somethin... more Oh! Is that so? I would love to introduce some more topics to backup my statement as followed. 1. If u look at PC industry, they tend to release refined versions often. ROG Zephyrus, Dell XPS, or even CPU maker Intel for example; they don't just release another product with new processor and more ram every year, they also feature improved hinge mechanism, faster connectivity options, improved camera, bigger battery etc. You won't disagree with me that they aren't some tiny puny startups like I thought for Samsung, right? Yet they're doing same thing over and over again even though competition is stiff. 2. No doubt Apple is another big giant but still, they're producing the only phones in the market exist yet with big notches. Why? Whose gap they r trying to fill this time? 😂😂 I know some of this have to do with their sophistication (so that you immediately can tell it's an iPhone just by looking at it) and Apple ecosystem but that doesn't justify the iterative design philosophy. 3. Samsung is damn big conglomerate but yet they release products that overlap design of either their own or others. Galaxy A13, Galaxy M33 both's camera island partially copy S22 Ultra and Apple's flagship, respectively. Why man? Can't they design another sketch? Yes, you'll again say laziness and Huawei but not to mention Xiaomi and Realme for example who are dominating the low and mid range market for whom Samsung actually had to alter their low range lineup. In some countries like India, Chinese are crushing Samsung in low ends, why Samsung isn't "filling the gap" now? 4. Sticking to same design have to do with their product lineup mainly. U c, S22 Ultra is just a rebranded note, and note series' phones always stuck with same design because of their nature. You can't say here they're lazy even though Huawei was there... Same has to do with S22 and 22+ too, their design is premium and Samsung is just trying to stick to it to give people a more distinctive look over their other series. Now you can see (maybe?) my point why I took iPhone as an example in previous comment. One thing u said right is "lack of competition." Even still, point number 2 only tells competition often has little to do with design if you're not serious about marketing.
My first sam-S8-S10, 28 Aug 2022Since 2020 after one year of my S10 I am waiting for a good Sammy design. They are disappointi... more Very true. I also still use my S10 - very beautiful phone, in fact one of the most handsome S-series device to this day. And very high quality as well. When I try the pathetic S22 in the store I just love my S10 more. I just hope Samsung will do S23 and S23+ flagship devices again. Ultra is in another uglyness league.
Camera is a big disappointment
Samsung's company has been stopped in the mobile section for about three years There is no hope for the new phone S23 ( all models ) A few years ago, rumors have been released in cyberspace that Samsung had lost its electronics and computer engineers for the reasons for disputes in management as well as low rights or other things ... China seems to have attracted these engineers
The S22 is a POs compared to the S20 the Camera is deplorable horrendous night shots it doesn't Focus on long exposure pictures . A horrible platform. Samsung you missed the mark with the s22 don't put that camera in the 23 please or figure out a bug fix .. its not just my phone but all of my family...
Yes,the 10th series was great(still have my s10e 8gb+256gb+1tb micro sd).But the 20 series it's even better.My wife is on s20(she love's it) and I'm on s20 plus 12gb+512gb+1tb micro sd.Anyway, the 21 and 22 series are a BIG disappointment... I could gave up on 3.5 mm jack switching from s10 to s20,but I'll never give up on the micro sd slot!!! At least one of their flagship models should have the slot,for us,those with "special needs". Only if the internal will be minimum 2tb and the price for the phone,decent,than I'll buy a new Samsung device.Since than,no thank you!!!
Front camera should be upgraded.
Since 2020 after one year of my S10 I am waiting for a good Sammy design. They are disappointing each year. Atleast make the same s10model with latest hardware so that I can change. After S10they are making bullshit.. S10 was a true beauty not just for eye but for your palm as well. Almost all screen ,slight curved side,glass back,QHD screen,148mm length,decent battery,what not. Really love to hold in my palm and pocket.
Still gonna be better than OnePlus 11 Pro despite the absence of collaborations with a camera manufacturer
Asphalt-nation, 26 Aug 2022Oh, you mean the critically despised design that we all agree is a major downgrade compared to... more Which manufactuers this year have actually produced a novel design? Besides maybe the Xiaomi 12S Ultra. Literally every phone is a slab with ~3 cameras on the back upper left corner. >OMG THE S24 HAS THEM IN A TRIANGLE WOW BRAVO SAMSUNG! How about you chill out? Sharing the same design 2 years in a row isn't a big deal
CICARITO, 26 Aug 2022These leaks are making no sense. One day it will be different design with a 200mp sensor, othe... more What they mean is that the phone's physical design with the camera layout will be the same, but with the new 200MP main sensor
sanshiro, 26 Aug 2022 We get a lot of "the same"-thing lately from many companies. What's the deal? Chip productions issues
We get a lot of "the same"-thing lately from many companies. What's the deal?
These leaks are making no sense. One day it will be different design with a 200mp sensor, other day everything will remain the same, people should not take this seriously until official announcement.
MarkusLeto, 26 Aug 2022Apple and Samsung can afford to be lazy again in the ultra/premium tiers because there's ... more yes, huwaei came with 5x zoom camera, samsung copied next year, huwaei came with 10x camera, samsung copied next year, now huawei is dead, samsung just releases same phone every year. but here's the thing, we don't need huawei to make these phone companies to give us a improved product for the money they ask, we need us simple stop buying their phone and stay with your current one for more years and when they-ll see sales down the pipe they will be forced to come with something better. problem is we are stupid and keep giving them 60-70% more money for a phone 2-3% better than the last year so they keep doing it
Asphalt-nation, 26 Aug 2022Oh yeah so what ? You want normal ? You want your 1500$ supposedly cutting edge flagship to ... more Well, FYI there are not many phones other than 1000- 1400 $ Flagships that looks like a glass and aluminium sandwich slab. And it's more about build quality and the feeling you get while holding the device. And there is whole array of colours to choose from if you want your device to look more interesting. Many people who buy these Ultra devices want productivity and features and great user experience more than anything else. They just want their device to look elegant and classy, which it is. Flashy designs are not everyones cup of tea.
Samsung user, 25 Aug 2022Signature design should not be changed. One of many reasons Apple and samsung are market le... more This phone with rounded corners would have been perfect. I would have bought Ultra series for continuous five years. That sharp corners is the only cons in my opinion.
Mr Blue, 25 Aug 2022Why are you using the S Pen on the edge anyway? there is more than enough real estate for you ... more I doubt you owned one. So pointing out a flaw in a design that defeats its practicality, basically is "crying about it" you said, pfft... I guess aeons of straight-out edges on productive gadgets, tools and other flat screens now are out of stock of enough warped reasons not to adopt curved edges because why not? I mean there are enough two candy bar spaces in the middle to go by. The edges at this point are insignificant, right? That's your logic.
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