Physical security is a dynamic concept; it’s not a circumstance in which you can switch on some equipment and call it a day. As time goes on and threats change, it needs routine upkeep, supervision and improvements. Yet this topic falls victim to complacency all too frequently.
The truth is that legacy solutions are flawed because they are insufficient to counteract the threats of the present. It is necessary to adopt a new strategy that can adjust to shifting demands and tackle evolving problems, and LiDAR can play a significant role in this strategy.
As Threats Evolve, Traditional Systems are No Match
Managing physical security is a significant undertaking that’s getting harder. Monitoring, controlling access, and other security measures are necessary for public places, transit hubs, governmental institutions, businesses and other locations. Incidents can be greatly reduced if management and security staff at these institutions are capable of managing physical security.
A common approach to this is a Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIDS) security installation approach, in which multiple cameras feed into a central monitoring station and video management platform. However, these solutions by themselves put facilities at risk because of the limitations of camera-only systems. Potential hazards include false alarms, problems with visibility and tracking, and environmental factors, as well as the difficulty of manually monitoring so many cameras. Additionally, a high number of false alarms might cause security operators to become complacent.
In addition, older systems are often overlooked or not considered for infrastructure scheduled maintenance. This would include upgrades, updates or operational health of the system sensors and components.
It's essential for the day-to-day users of these systems to keep up with security technology advancements in order to reduce new threats to their facilities. This is one of the fundamental components of maintaining a strong security practice.
This article originally appeared in the September / October 2022 issue of Campus Security & Life Safety.
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