Anonymous, 30 Jun 2022Ultra Wide is wider than 8mm. What brands call ultra wide (12, 13, 16, 18) is actually su... more You are wrong. Big time.
Everything is way better than perfect apart the fact this phone have curved screen. I hate fragile curved screens which are hard and expensive for repairs and also are slippery in hands and no proper screen protector fits.
Motorola has good taste, now let's see if they can deliver on the software side as well.
Anonymous, 30 Jun 2022Ultra Wide is wider than 8mm. What brands call ultra wide (12, 13, 16, 18) is actually su... more "An ultra-wide angle lens is any lens with an angle of view greater than 90 degrees and shorter than a wide-angle lens. Generally speaking, it’s any lens shorter than a 24mm lens on a full-frame sensor." You're very welcome.
I like this approach; ultra wides are horrible
Just now there was an amazing double rainbow, unfortunately on my pixel 3 I don't have a telephoto, super-res zoom doesn't hold a candle to proper zoom. The 27 or 28mm equivalent lens on the pixel 3 (4.44mm Vs 4.38 on pixel 4/4a/5/5a) is longer than most modern phones, I've had the Nokia 7 plus which is 25mm equivalent, as for how often has the lens been not wide enough, very very rarely, maybe like on an aeroplane in economy class when I am cramped in a tiny seat trying to photograph my meal. The problem with ultra wide lenses is that the human eyeball is round, so whereas the further you look, the flatter the image just like a rectilinear 2d screen, a wider lens has to incorporate a wider angle of view into a flat 2d image, so it looks unnatural to our eyes. The only situations I would use it is for artistic purpose or when I cannot back up, but I don'tb find such images flattering or natural.
Magnificent Suleiman, 30 Jun 2022No ultrawide when every phone with more than one 'real' camera has one is an intrigu... more Most phones used to use a telephoto lens as their secondary lens but then phone makers realised they could charge a premium for it and it was easier to implement an ultra wide, so now if you want a telephoto, you have to buy a flagship or upgrade from to the iPhone pro from the standard iPhone. What if I want a telephoto camera on the pixel 6? I have no choice but to upgrade to the pro
In recent times, I am always taking pics with 1.4 - 1.6x zoom on the primary camera just to get a better perspective of humans or even landscapes.. Also I am already a motorola user. And was dreaming maybe upcoming edge 30 ultra could have a 3x Zoom. Instead of the rumored 2x, just to get better human pictures(even tho I couldnt afford one right now). But somehow motorola has a 50 mm lens and a 85mm on the edge 30 ultra. Feels like motorola heard me or something lol.. Great move, imo. I always prefer telephoto over wide as I feel its okay to have a bad telephoto but not a bad wide angle one, compared to the primary sensor. Lets see how this plays out.
So close. And this is just personal preference but I do wish they had gone with 16 or 18mm UW to keep distortion down and doubling as macro, 40mm standard and 85mm tele.
captain fokou, 30 Jun 2022If you don't know, don't comment. 35mm-16mm generally is considered wide angle, 16m... more Ultra Wide is wider than 8mm. What brands call ultra wide (12, 13, 16, 18) is actually super wide
No ultrawide when every phone with more than one 'real' camera has one is an intriguing and surprising change. Will this phone finally revert the bad reputation Motorola has had in the camera department in the past?
I support this move. Waste of space and money having camera wider than 23mm. Since main is 35mm, the secnd should be around 70.
Well, skipping an ultra-wide camera is a surprise, but I am OK with it, if the main camera is wider than usually main cameras are. A longer telephoto is welcome to many I believe.
Madara Uchiha, 30 Jun 2022 12mm Ultrawide 28mm Main Cam 84mm Tele Is my standard Which phone has it?
Anonymous, 30 Jun 2022First time I see they start to use proper focal length like in cameras. 50mm is wide not portr... more If you don't know, don't comment. 35mm-16mm generally is considered wide angle, 16mm or less is ultra wide, 35mm-80mm is standard and anything above 80mm is telephoto/macro depending on the lens.
I really don't care for portrait lenses, just gimme this setup (main, ultrawide, periscope). This phone is a no buy
First time I see they start to use proper focal length like in cameras. 50mm is wide not portrait. This should be the main cam in every smartphone. People wrongly get used to wider and wider but it's not good.
35mm is a good focal length photography wise but its very nice to have an optional 14-20 mm - even mediocre - ultrawide cam alongside it. People are very used to it too, by now. The idea is good though: Main cams should actually have 28-40mm focal length. Main cams often are too wide. I see people cropping all the time everywhere afterwards. THis is bad. Most shots people take with main cam actually are not UW, and when you need very wide shot; every phone has ultrawide cam 12-16 mm. I dont get these 23mm main cams (S22 ultra here)
"We are not so sure how well the lack of ultrawide camera will sit with potential users, though." Potential users will be fine without an ultrawide lens, you could easily just get a Moment ultrawide lens if you needed one. The real question is whether the 85mm telephoto will be a weak-specced periscope lens or a decent secondary telephoto like the Xperia 1 IV
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