I'm horrified to see this phone drop!! it will crack everything!!!
Will this great phone be available to purchase in Ireland and if so when will it be available
notafanboy, 23 hours ago "An simple task" lmaololol are you serious? Allowing to use 3rd camera at night instead of digital zoom out of the 1st is simple task.
Anonymous, 22 hours ago honor 70 is better or this? Magic4 will be faster/better but also more expensive
honor 70 is better or this?
u think they neglected the design process though? that big pill shape front camera really!? an eyesore
Madara Uchiha, 27 May 2022The company also reminded about the implementation of “Fusional Computational Photography” - t... more "An simple task" lmaololol are you serious?
Madara Uchiha, 27 May 2022The company also reminded about the implementation of “Fusional Computational Photography” - t... more They need to talk to google to solve that problem
The company also reminded about the implementation of “Fusional Computational Photography” - the Magic4 Pro uses multi-camera fusion across full focal range, which is also tested in length at Honor’s Park. Then why that the periscope camera has inconsistencies and keeps switching to the main cam? That's an simple task
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