Flashback: A decade of Samsung Galaxy S camera tech - comments

2022-06-11 00:06:34 By : Mr. Ice Zhou

TheLastOracle, 08 Jun 2022Your exaggeration has no equal. While its true that the Snapdragon versions have better camera... more Nowadays almost all midrangers and high-end models are capable of taking "decent-ish" photos that look pleasant enough on a phone screen, so the only way for you to check whether they are actually good quality or not is to zoom in. Exynos Galaxy S21/22 Ultra doesn't show a good level of fine details in general compared to their SD variants and phones from other brands (which is clearly shown in GSMArena's photo comparison tool as well) and handles noise in a very questionable manner so I wouldn't really call them "great cameras".

ShubhamDeshmukh, 06 Jun 2022Okay look this is where most people are wrong. Let's take Samsung's 108MP sensor as ... more You are right. I wasn't sold on the idea of 108mp at first and used to think that 108mp is not needed. Also, it puts stress on the processor, it goes through the battery so quickly, due to all the processing it has to do, and also, as you said, the bigger the individual pixels, the better. But after using the camera in real life and having had it for almost an year, I can confidently say that having the option to shoot in 108mp is useful in 'some' cases. Also, they have optimised it so well, you don't notice anything at all. It takes amazing photos, just as you expect it to, and for those times when you need more detail, the 108mp mode is there and it works incredibly. Still, I believe that 200mp is not something that we need. Yes, it would be an achievement, but that's about it. Most people who buy these devices aren't going to tinker with the settings and will shoot in the default settings anyways. And if we do some research, we can find that the other two S22 devices, S22 and S22+, use a 50mp sensor and still produces images that are as good as the S22U, which goes to show you that you don't necessarily need any more pixels than we already have currently. Thanks for the enlightening info you gave me. We learn new things every now and then, don't we. Have a great day and stay safe !!

Nick Tegrataker, 05 Jun 2022"Samsung has been making some great camera phones since the S6" I don't know, ... more Your exaggeration has no equal. While its true that the Snapdragon versions have better cameras, most often, the difference is quite minor, and can only be noticed when zoomed into, almost till the pixel level.

vrvly, 06 Jun 2022 5 and 0? I would love that. Not the price though. The 5 IV, and some other phone. We're just gonna have to wait and see. The price is gonna be more expensive because of Sony's pricing to try and get a profit.

Anonymous TechnoGeek, 06 Jun 2022You are absolutely true. In many cases, more pixels give you more detail and makes the photos ... more If only everyone hi res - stacked as well as Vivo.

SuuperBaka, 05 Jun 2022Sony might just put that in their new Pro-I series instead, but who knows. Apparently, Sony ha... more 5 and 0? I would love that. Not the price though.

77, 05 Jun 2022 Fake 10x loseless zoom, you lose pixels when zoomed in, .. You absolutely do not sir, you lose them when you go past 10x, its called an optical zoom lens, its lossless cus none of its digital. please educate yourself

77, 06 Jun 2022 808 , Sony doesn't lose pixel when zoomed in. Bruh, they aren't optical zoom. When you have optical zoom on your phone, the lens moves physically to reach that range. Everything done with all three of these phones is done digitally. The Nokia uses oversampling to achieve lossless zoom, but it's still digital.

The S2 was the first phone in history with a decent camera, that's when I started taking phone cameras seriously.

Chrix, 05 Jun 2022 Don't believe you. You lie S22 better https://youtu.be/AQj1FXeKgn8 You don't believe me, fine, I guess that guy is lying,too. Even with superior Snapdragon, s22u can't beat Exynos s21u in daylight photos- less detail, loss of textures,noise. The same thing I am seeing on my units. But keep on singing la-la-la with hands on your ears, ignorance is a bliss.

Anonymous TechnoGeek, 05 Jun 2022First things first, the 0.8 um that is shown is the 108mp equivalent. All these phones (includ... more Okay look this is where most people are wrong. Let's take Samsung's 108MP sensor as an example, that does 9:1 for 12MP. Let's say 9 cells have a combined 2.4µm width, but then what that means is signal from 9 individual cells are binned, usually by software, to pick 1 cell. What is important here is those 9 cells are individually 0.8µm wide. The polling will happen between those 9 low-quality signals to pick the best or "average" of them. On the other hand, if you have a 48MP sensor of exact same physical size (length and breadth), that does 4:1 for 12MP. Quad-cells with the same combined 2.4µm width (exactly the size of nona-pixel's combined 2.4µm width), but individually they are 1.2µm wide. Hence individually, each 1.2µm cell has 2X the surface area of a 0.8µm cell (2.25 times to be exact, 1.44µm² compared to 0.64µm²), individually will pick two times more light, brighter correct colors, better dynamic depth. Which means, there are 4 cells that are providing stronger signals with accurate colors to be polled or binned into 1 cell. There are two parts to quad-binning or nona-binning: 1. Light capturing ability of individual cells on a camera sensor (larger the better) 2. Software resolving/ enhancing/ binning of either 4 or 9 cells to 1 How manufacturers achieve the 2nd (Software) is usually subject to their own processing and requirements. Some may do polling (most average of all), some may do binning (combine them all), some may even do both algorithmically for better results. But software can only do so much. The major part, 70% of the quality is still decided by individual pixels or cells, which is larger the better, regardless of their combined width, even when they are exact same surface area when combined(4-cell 5.76µm² vs 9-cell 5.76µm² in our examples above). By any measure, software that is working on 4 relatively stronger, brighter, more color accurate signals will give far accurate or strong final binned signal or pixel, compared to working on 9 weaker signals. This is the only minor technical aspect regarding which I wish to correct you.

SuuperBaka, 06 Jun 2022Bruh. Your A7 has a zoom lens that you can optically zoom. You said or implied that the Nokia ... more 808 , Sony doesn't lose pixel when zoomed in.

SuuperBaka, 06 Jun 2022Bruh. Your A7 has a zoom lens that you can optically zoom. You said or implied that the Nokia ... more This, 100%.

camera shutter lag still exist. If using iphone can snap photo is faster than samsung.

77, 06 Jun 2022On my Sony A7 camera, when you zoom in , you take pictures at 10x optical, the quality remain ... more Bruh. Your A7 has a zoom lens that you can optically zoom. You said or implied that the Nokia 808 and Xperia Pro-I had optical zoom when they don't. The Nokia, Samsung, nor Sony phones have optical zoom. The only flagship with optical zoom is the Xperia 1 IV.

Bring back dual aperture Samsung. It is more relevant now with much bigger sensors. Also it was f/2.4 iirc.

Nick Tegrataker, 06 Jun 2022 You clearly don't have any idea what you're saying. On my Sony A7 camera, when you zoom in , you take pictures at 10x optical, the quality remain with no blur or pixels lost, but you do the same on S22ULTRA, it's mushy fuzzy lost pixels.

77, 06 Jun 2022S22ultra, when you zoom in, it loses pixels its not true optical zoom, like Nokia 808, or So... more None of those phones have true optical zoom.

77, 06 Jun 2022S22ultra, when you zoom in, it loses pixels its not true optical zoom, like Nokia 808, or So... more You clearly don't have any idea what you're saying.

vrvly, 05 Jun 2022Wasn't so true with ultra pixels. Even if they use 12mp as standard, it should improve de... more A smaller pixel pitch means more noise per MP. Although at low ISO, noise could be completely hidden away through downsampling, colour degradation and luminance noise would become much more noticeable as ISO creeps up and there would be a certain threshold where increased resolution could be no longer considered to be an advantage. My bet is that if Apple is moving onto a 48MP sensor (almost definitely at this point), it will be Quad Bayer. "lossless 2x, stacked hi res with standard Bayer" You can achieve similar results with a Quad Bayer sensor too through super-res stacking.

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