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25th May 2022 - 15:09 GMT | by The Shephard News Team
Schiebel Camcopter S-100. (Photo: Schiebel)
The Royal Danish Navy (RDN) has been operating the Camcopter S-100 rotary-wing UAV for ‘various maritime surveillance tasks’ on behalf of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), manufacturer Schiebel revealed on 25 May.
The S-100 is a modular platform that can integrate a variety of equipment, such as EO/IR payloads, SAR systems, lidar scanners, ESM sensors, searchlights and loudspeakers.
For EMSA purposes with the RDN, the S-100 is equipped with an L3Wescam EO/IR camera gimbal, a PT-8 Oceanwatch small target detection payload from Overwatch Imaging and an Automatic Identification System receiver.
‘All data gathered from the flights is shared live through the EMSA RPAS Data Centre allowing users to monitor any unusual activity at sea with a potentially harmful impact on the safety and security of persons and vessels in the area or affecting the environment itself,’ Schiebel noted.
Schiebel previously announced in July 2020 that the S-100 would be deployed to support the Danish Maritime Authority and Danish Environmental Protection Agency monitoring of ship emissions.
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