WASHINGTON — The House Appropriations Committee today released the draft fiscal year 2023 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies funding bill, which will be considered in subcommittee tomorrow. The legislation funds agencies and programs in the Departments of Commerce and Justice, as well as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Science Foundation.
For 2023, the bill provides $85.7 billion, an increase of $7.6 billion – 9.7 percent – above the comparable 2022 level. The legislation:
“This legislation invests in American manufacturing, economic development and infrastructure improvements to strengthen our economy and improve the lives of our nation’s working people,” Commerce, Justice, Science Subcommittee Chair Matt Cartwright (D-PA-08) said. “It also helps our law enforcement officials fight crime and improve public safety, while also funding innovative research, advancing our trade competitiveness, and preparing us for extreme weather conditions. This legislation makes very effective use of taxpayer dollars and will help us build a more prosperous, safe, and competitive America for all of us.”
“People across the country are worried about their safety—worried about their children and families as they go to school, work, or the grocery store. The 2023 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies bill makes our communities safer by increasing funding for local law enforcement who deserve our respect as they work day in and day out to protect us,” Appropriations Committee Chair Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03) said. “This legislation also reduces gun violence with funding for Gun Violence Reduction Grants and invests in programs to prevent violence against women. With these resources, we are also working to end the opioid epidemic and confront the climate crisis. I am proud that with this bill, House Democrats are leading the way to address some of the biggest issues facing working families.”
A summary of the draft fiscal year 2023 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies bill is below. The text of the draft bill is here . The subcommittee markup will be webcast live and linked on the House Committee on Appropriations website .
Department of Commerce – The bill includes $11.6 billion for the Commerce Department, an increase of $1.7 billion above the FY 2022 enacted level. This includes funding for the following agencies.
Department of Justice (DOJ) – The bill funds DOJ at $38.1 billion, an increase of $3.3 billion above the FY 2022 discretionary enacted level. This includes funding for the following:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) – The bill includes $25.45 billion, $1.4 billion above the FY 2022 enacted level. This funding includes continued investments in human space exploration efforts, as well as other investments, including the following:
National Science Foundation (NSF) –$9.63 billion, an increase of $793.2 million above the FY 2022 enacted level. These funds will foster innovation and U.S. economic competitiveness, including funding for climate science and sustainability research, as well as research on artificial intelligence, quantum information science, advanced manufacturing, cybersecurity, and many other critical areas. The bill also invests in important scientific infrastructure. Within this total:
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) – $464.65 million, an increase of $44.65 million above the FY 2022 enacted level and equal to the Administration’s request.
Legal Services Corporation : The legislation provides $675 million for the Legal Services Corporation, an increase of $186 million above the FY 2022 enacted level, to help increase the availability of legal assistance in underserved communities.
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights: $14.35 million is included, including $2 million in support of the Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys.
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative : $75 million is included, an increase of $4 million above FY 2022.
International Trade Commission : $122.4 million is included, an increase of $12.4 million above FY 2022.