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2022-08-08 03:38:32 By : Ms. Josie Wu

Rain on Your Parade + dlc

Extreme bicycle rider (<=click for great video<3) 'Tendo liker

@NeonPizza Nah, I don't see myself getting a PS5. I managed to snag an Xbox Series X a few years ago when everything was shutdown. To be quite honest with the Switch and my retro consoles and the Xbox I don't need another console. I was never big into the whole PS VR thing so that doesn't interest me at all and I am not interested in any of Sony's exclusives at the moment. Pretty much if I can't get a game on Switch, that's what the Xbox is for.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

@Magician have you played #Drive yet? I've looked at it but wasn't completely convinced

Switch Physical Collection - 972 games (as of August 6th, 2022) Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay

Have you experienced Astro Bot Rescue Mission in VR? Or PSVR World's Ocean Descent and Resident Evil 7? I've had some amazing VR experiences with PSVR as dated and cumbersome as it can be. it's now packed in a box, ready to be sold since the VR2 is on it's way. I'm not interested in collecting VR headsets, so. I'm all about the latest and greatest.

But seriously, VR has Sooo much room for growth unlike video game consoles & TV's imo. I mean lets get real here, putting aside something like 120fps which i think is one of the stand out features this generation with series X & PS5(PC Aside, which handles it much better), along with Sony's Duel Sense's Haptics(So i hear)...There are going to be a lot of people that will have a hard time discerning a PS4 Pro game vs a legit PS5 game. Sure, there will be differences but lets get real here, the gap is getting so much smaller now. We're not getting smacked in the face by that night and day mind blowing genrational leap.

And now we're stuck with Gyro motion aiming which doesn't have a reference(no sensor bar). The Wii remote Plus & Sensor bar did it that much better back in late 2006 and it still works brilliantly. VR2 & Quest Pro will have the greatest Motion controls, stereoscopic 3D and obviously pitting the player in that game world. It's far more exciting to me than anything console related these days.

Once they hit 8K per eye, human FOV, eliminate motion judder & Blur and make the visor slim, light weight and compact. Then combine that with mixed Augmented reality and people are going to lose their sh**. Playing on some 8K 120fps 2D Micro-LED(Whatever) flat 85" something something, HDTV wont even begin to compare. It's nothing but a canvas in motion, a beautiful canvas, but a flat canvas and just a window, ahem without feeling like you're looking through a window because again no stereoscopic 3D.

But ya, even though RE7's visuals were compromised in VR, along with the pixely low resolution(etc) and the PSVR's OLED display failing to give us true blacks(more like a shade of dark grey if that) it was still 100x times more immersive, visceral, atmospheric and enjoyable Vs the time i spent playing it on a TV...All on 2016 VR technology. Anyways, i wouldn't write VR off just yet until you experience the VR2 and even the Quest Pro.

I'm really looking forward to RE8: Village & Horizon Call of the mountain in VR, plus it will most likely be backwards compatable so you can experience Astro Bot Rescue mission and a handful of other PSVR classics that will get 2x the boost in resolution, higher FOV, Vent to prevent fogging, and all of the other upgardes or bells and whistles that sony's latest and greatest has to offer.

Edited on Wed 27th July, 2022 @ 16:02 by NeonPizza

"ExcuuuUUUUSE ME, Princess!" Switch Friend Code: SW-1323-8872-2420 I demand Crystal Pepsi & Noid Domino's Pizza!

@NeonPizza Nah, I haven't. To be honest VR has never interested me. Even back during the Wii era I couldn't get behind waggle controls. Yeah a few games like Star Wars The Force Unleashed they were great but more often the not they just felt gimmicky and unneeded. To me I enjoy gaming best sitting on my couch controller in hand, not strapped up in suits wearing helmets and visors like some kind of 80s Sci fi flick. I know I am probably missing out some cool ***** but I rather watch someone play something like that rather then play it myself.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

@Tasuki Yeah, it is gimmicky. Plus, it makes the gamer look kinda dumb and goofy, just you strapped up to these tacky goggles and interacting with empty air.

I do like the concept of interacting with my games on a more immersive level that the VR is trying to introduce, but I feel like our technology is still not nearly advanced enough yet for the VR not to feel like a gimmicky attempt at optical illusion. Besides, the 3DS does optical illusion in a more practical way anyway that doesn't make me feel like an idiot waving my hands around in midair, and I barely used it.

I'm telling you, man: the holodeck. Get on it, Nintendo, you can do it. Give me my holodeck, and while you're at it, maybe introduce the world to the hoverboard as well.

Edited on Wed 27th July, 2022 @ 16:31 by Maxenmus

Switch Friend Code: SW-7926-2339-9775 | 3DS Friend Code: 3539-9678-8621 | My Nintendo: Flare | Nintendo Network ID: OriusPrime

@Tasuki Damn, so you missed out on Metroid Prime 3? The pointer controls in that game were revolutionary, another resaon why i cant go back to analog stick aiming for anything that requires you to aim a cross hair, it's so 2005. lol Then there's Wario Land Shake it!, Zack & Wiki, WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Elebits etc.

Edited on Wed 27th July, 2022 @ 16:56 by NeonPizza

"ExcuuuUUUUSE ME, Princess!" Switch Friend Code: SW-1323-8872-2420 I demand Crystal Pepsi & Noid Domino's Pizza!

@Maxenmus if you're worried about looking stupid playing a video game than i dont know what to tell you. What's so cool about seeing some dude vegitating on a couch with a controller in their hand? Especially when that somebody is semi over weight, eats like sh**, doesn't take care of themself and looks like a total melvin. not directing this at you, but this applies to MANY hard core gamers. I dont worry about what i look like indoors when i'm having a good time. Besides, I think the latest Quest Pro mock up design looks pretty awesome and how it looks when worn. ultimately, it's about the fun you're having not how you look when you're doing it.

Calling VR gimmicky is beyond ridiculous. Especially when it's coming from people who have barely even tried it. Come back to me after you've tried VR2 with games like RE8 Village and Call of the mountain.

As for me, i got tired of gaming back during the mid point of the gamecube era. if it weren't for the Wii & DS Lite's refreshing innovations I would of probably dropped out completely seeing as how i barely touched my XBOX360 and PS3. Just imagine a future with no new innovations, just higher frame rates, resolutions and better graphics with the exact same control scheme. I would hate to be 'that guy' who can't be bothered trying anything different beyond a standard controller. The Wii imo was one of the last great consoles, although the Switch overall has a lot of wonderful games, I'm just not too crazy over the Joy-cons or Pro Controller.

Edited on Wed 27th July, 2022 @ 16:53 by NeonPizza

"ExcuuuUUUUSE ME, Princess!" Switch Friend Code: SW-1323-8872-2420 I demand Crystal Pepsi & Noid Domino's Pizza!

@NeonPizza I mean, sorry I care about how I look, I guess. lol Even if it's when I'm gaming. I mean, hey, if it works for you, it works for you, but I find it kinda dumb-looking. No offense.

Also, yes, I called it gimmicky because it looks like a cheap gimmick to get me to pay money. I know what it's like. I've tried VR before so it's not as if I don't know. I just don't want to pay so much for something worth so little to me.

I mean, innovation is great and all, but not all of us earn 5k per month to try everything Nintendo churns out, regardless if we'll like it or not. I'm all for supporting the industry when it appeals to me, not because some stranger on an Internet forum told me it innovates the gaming industry.

Edited on Wed 27th July, 2022 @ 16:55 by Maxenmus

Switch Friend Code: SW-7926-2339-9775 | 3DS Friend Code: 3539-9678-8621 | My Nintendo: Flare | Nintendo Network ID: OriusPrime

@Maxenmus So what games have you played in VR?

And my neice thought i looked like a Super hero when she saw my playing PSVR for the first time haha, even though the visor has a case of the bulkies.

"ExcuuuUUUUSE ME, Princess!" Switch Friend Code: SW-1323-8872-2420 I demand Crystal Pepsi & Noid Domino's Pizza!

@NeonPizza I've tried a demo before in some convention. They had No Man's Sky VR, and I thought it was okay, but not mindblowingly amazing or anything.

Edited on Wed 27th July, 2022 @ 16:57 by Maxenmus

Switch Friend Code: SW-7926-2339-9775 | 3DS Friend Code: 3539-9678-8621 | My Nintendo: Flare | Nintendo Network ID: OriusPrime

@Maxenmus Well, you cant just base VR as a whole off of one mediocre game that you demo'd at some convention, especially if it's old tech.

Astro Bot Rescue mission on PSVR(The beach stage)blew my brother away and he doesn't even like gaming but wanted to experience the entire game. PSVR World's Ocean Descent's Shark dive was an absolute hoot with my family and friends. Once the shark breaks in your cage it becomes all too convincing. seeing and hearing your friends and family react to some of these games is just priceless.

Another short theme park like attraction would be 'Kitchen' which is based off of Resident Evil 7. Again, you dont even need to be into video games to enjoy some of these expreinces. They're fun, short lived, yet thrilling, and the jump scares always get ya. Then there's Resident Evil 7....Again, another must have VR game that's almost an anomaly, the same way Half Life Alex is.

I also finished A Fisherman's Tale, Moss(which was magical), Vacation Simulator, and several others. You're missing out amiigo! Wait until the VR2 comes out and get a good taste of Horizon Call of the mountain and Resident Evil 8 and then maybe form an opinion.

I mean really, to call a technology a silly gimmick after demoing one lame game at a convention? That's like me saying movies suck because the only movie i watched and didn't like was Uwe Bowels House of the Dead.

Edited on Wed 27th July, 2022 @ 17:05 by NeonPizza

"ExcuuuUUUUSE ME, Princess!" Switch Friend Code: SW-1323-8872-2420 I demand Crystal Pepsi & Noid Domino's Pizza!

@NeonPizza I mean, I get that you're obviously enthusiastic about VRs, but I don't see why one insignificant person like me (from a tiny country like Singapore no less) writing it off is such a big deal. Maybe I'll try it, maybe I won't, but dismissing my opinion and calling my remarks ridiculous isn't exactly going to persuade me any.

And besides, what I wrote was more of a offhand casual remark I said off the top of my head. I wasn't even that serious about swearing off VRs. I might even try it again in the future for all you know.

Edited on Wed 27th July, 2022 @ 17:09 by Maxenmus

Switch Friend Code: SW-7926-2339-9775 | 3DS Friend Code: 3539-9678-8621 | My Nintendo: Flare | Nintendo Network ID: OriusPrime

@Maxenmus Dismissing a technology like VR which is booming with potential, after playing just one mediocre VR game for 10 minutes at a convention years ago doesn't make sense to me. Just saying dude. You dont know how great it is, nor can you form a decent opinion, unless you've played and beaten some of the more popular higher-tier titles.

But even then, you might not dig it. Some people also get motion sickness and can never get past it. Keep in mind too, that VR headsets will gradually shrink, become slimmer and lighter over time. Meta has already done this with Quest Pro arriving this october. Looks much slimmer than the Quest 2 which launched 3 years ago. So you wont have to be concerned how you look, because you'll be VRn' in style lol

Personally I'd opt for this bad boy. Tasuki would be all over this haha >

Edited on Wed 27th July, 2022 @ 17:16 by NeonPizza

"ExcuuuUUUUSE ME, Princess!" Switch Friend Code: SW-1323-8872-2420 I demand Crystal Pepsi & Noid Domino's Pizza!

Switch Oled alongside Metroid Dread from Amazon and a used BoTW if that counts

@Maxenmus Dismissing a technology like VR which is booming with potential, after playing just one mediocre VR game for 10 minutes at a convention years ago doesn't make sense to me. Just saying dude. You dont know how great it is, nor can you form a decent opinion, unless you've played and beaten some of the more popular higher-tier titles.

But even then, you might not dig it. Some people also get motion sickness and can never get past it.

Well, like I said, I might try it in the future, but I still stand by my initial impression, so it's not high on my priority list. It was just my first impression of the VR, and I'm sorry if that upset you, but it is what it is, my genuine reaction.

For what it's worth, when I bought my PS5, I nearly bought a set of VR goggles too, but IIRC, the retail owner told me to wait as the current goggles they had weren't compatible for the PS5 or something, and Sony's coming up with one that is.

But at the end of the day, I guess I just don't like to spend extravagant amount of money for games or hardware I'm halfhearted about, especially when I don't earn much in the first place. That's why I've always been late when it comes to trending games and movies; I would only buy them when I felt like it, or if I have spare cash to spare. I don't like the idea of me buying into the hype of things; it has led me astray before because, as I've learned time and again, what everyone else loves might not be something I personally love.

Keep in mind too, that VR headsets will gradually shrink, become slimmer and lighter over time. Meta has already done this with Quest Pro arriving this october. Looks much slimmer than the Quest 2 which launched 3 years ago. So you wont have to be concerned how you look, because you'll be VRn' in style lol

That does look rather sleek, I'd admit.

Edited on Wed 27th July, 2022 @ 17:27 by Maxenmus

Switch Friend Code: SW-7926-2339-9775 | 3DS Friend Code: 3539-9678-8621 | My Nintendo: Flare | Nintendo Network ID: OriusPrime

@NeonPizza Don't get me.wrong VR is nice, and it's interesting technology and great to see improvemts in gaming but I have always kept things simple. I tried a few things with the Wii motion controls and even Kinect and most of it just seemed gimmicky or like tech demos. Maybe cause it was in its early stages and the hottest Thing, I don't know. Who knows maybe at some point I will try it out again but I am in no rush.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

@Tasuki As far as the Wii goes, there was a lot of shovelware(this also applies to Switch too, the eShop is littered with it.) but also a lot of great games if you're willing to dig through the wreckage. It's my 3rd favorite nintendo console of all time, behind the SNES & NES. It had the virtual console which was great for people wanting to either reixperience those 8-16 bit classics that they grew up with or just to experience something they may of missed out on. The service was super nostalgiac and really neat for it's time. And i loved how the Wii remote turned into an NES controller once flipped on it's side.

Plus, the Wii gave birth to the 2D platformer revival which was practically dead on N64 & GCN, with games like Donkey Kong Country Returns, Klonoa, Mega Man 9, Wario land Shake it(Such an amazing game), NSMB.Wii, Castlevania the Adventure ReBirth, Super Paper Mario(if that counts), Kirby's Return to Dreamland etc, and again when motion controls are done right they absolutely breath new life in many genres, and revolutioned the industry imo. Metroid Prime 3 I'd say is the holy moly' grail, basically the epitome, the golden standard for first person Motion pointer controls. I couldn't even stomach going back to Bioshock, Dead Space & Resident Evil 5 etc back on my XBOX360, having to fall back on analog stick aiming felt like a massive step backwards. I just wasn't enjoying it, and it completely downgraded the immersion and intuitiveness 10 fold.

I think i had almost 50+ physical Wii games during it's generation, tons of VC games and a handful of eShop titles. It truly felt like my video game swan song. , that along with the DS Lite, and first two years of the 3DS. God i miss stereosopic 3D, having to go back to the TV with 2D/flat graphics felt so unatural after being accustomed to the 3DS.

Some great wii games >

Metroid Prime 3 Wario Land Shake it! Super Mario Galaxy 1&2 Klonoa Mega man 9 Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth Wario Ware Smooth Moves Elebits Zack & Wiki Sin & Punishment 2 LostWinds Zelda: Skyward Sword Wii Play - (underrated, and fun in short bursts) Wii Sports Resort etc

Did you enjoy the Wii U? I kind of missed out on it, I had one but i barely touched it due to life related stuff and whatever, which lead me to dropping out with modern gaming at around 2013. Didn't get a PS4 Pro until 2019 christmas, and then a Switch & PSVR the next year. That's almost a 7 year break. eek! Out of all the Nintendo consoles the N64 & GCN are a very distant 3rd and 4th place for me. They don't hold a candle whatsoever to SNES & NES. Can't rank the Wii U since i dont have enough experience with it, but plan on rebuying one in the next couple of months.

They still haven't ported over Yoshi's Whooly World, LOZ: Wind Waker HD, LOZ: Twilight Princess HD, NES Remix Pack & Kirby's rainbow curse over to the switch yet. Porting over stuff like Nintendo Land, Game and Wario, and stuff like Wii Fit U would be impossible since you cant translate those Gamepad Features over to Switch.

And speaking of Switch, it has a lot of great games, and I'd also consider it a retro dooders dream. But, the controllers dissapoint me. Be it the Joy-Cons or Pro Controller. Pro controller would of been fine if it didn't have over 12ms of lag comapred to the joy-cons. So now I'm back to those lousy cheap feeling Joy-cons to shave off all of that lag, to get a more responsive lighter 'on the dime' experience, and it's working, just without the great smooth ergonomics and traditional buttons of the Pro.

Edited on Thu 28th July, 2022 @ 04:11 by NeonPizza

"ExcuuuUUUUSE ME, Princess!" Switch Friend Code: SW-1323-8872-2420 I demand Crystal Pepsi & Noid Domino's Pizza!

@Maxenmus I would skip the PSVR1, even if you can get it a decent price and hold out and wait for the VR2. or at least try it. It should be compatible with PSVR1 games, so.

As it is, the PSVR has janky tracking, limited play area, you have to have this rinky dinky camera nesting on your TV, a processor unit with a pile of octopus cables, the calibration process is annoying, then there's the crappy Move controllers(which don't even have analog sticks), the resolution is low, and the ventilation isn't the greatest either. I always had to wait over 20 minutes for the lens to defog after booting it up, but i'd still run into trouble. It's a very cumbersome way to experience VR, there's just too much crap that comes with it and not enough leeway or freedom. Not the case with VR2, it remedies like 95 percent of it's glaring issues.

I still wish Sony could of figured out a way to give the VR2 a super low latency wireless connection to the PS5, being teathered to a wire will suck for stand up VR and those massive Rings on the Controller are totally gonna bang together in-game, when you're trying to plunk ammo into your gun for ex.

Meta's new Quest Pro VR controllers have advanced motion and no rings, it's Wireless(just like Quest 2), and like i pointed out earlier a much slimmer/flatter visor. Aestehtically, the PSVR2 looks dated by comparison. But you wont get 110d FOV, an OLED display, Headset haptics or some of the amazing AAA exclusive titles coming out on VR2 with Quest Pro. Plus it's backed up with way more horse power, unless you have a high end PC to go alongside your quest.

Every family member i showed the PSVR1 too, as dated as it is, were in total awe and fell in love with Ocean Descent. It's a theme park attraction, all you have to do is look around and enjoy the ride which makes it great for so many people out there that don't even like to game to begin with. It's basically universal unless you plan on throwing up in your headset.

Start it at 9:40 for the Shark. Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube

Here's AstroBot. submerging into the water in VR, in this stage gave me a feeling that i havent had since Mario 64. This stage alone should be experienced by the VR naysayers. Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube

Edited on Thu 28th July, 2022 @ 04:37 by NeonPizza

"ExcuuuUUUUSE ME, Princess!" Switch Friend Code: SW-1323-8872-2420 I demand Crystal Pepsi & Noid Domino's Pizza!

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