$28,000 for robotics program and security cameras donated to four schools in Belize City by Minister of Tourism and BTB - Belize News and Opinion on www.breakingbelizenews.com

2022-06-11 00:00:47 By : Ms. Sandy Song

Posted: Friday, June 10, 2022. 5:35 pm CST.

By Rubén Morales Iglesias:Minister of Tourism and Diaspora Relations Anthony Mahler and the Belize Tourism Board (BTB) made a donation of $28,000 total to four schools in Belize City.

Minister Mahler and BTB made the contribution to the Belize High School (BHS) Robotics Team that will be participating in the 2022 First Global Challenge to be held in Geneva, Switzerland and donated security camera systems to Sadie Vernon High School, St. Luke Methodist Primary School, and Central Christian Primary School.

“The donations are part of BTB’s and Minister Mahler’s efforts to support youth-focused activities and create a positive environment for educational learning,” said a BTB press release.

BHS started its Robotics Program in 2010 with the objective of integrating technology into student learning and development. At the 2022 First Global Challenge, which has the participation of 190 countries, the BHS Robotics Team will present their robotic creations.

“In addition to the robotics, the competition has ambassadors from 190 countries around the world congregated in one arena, learning about countries, languages, and food. The kids learn about Belize, Creole phrases, the Barrier Reef, and our rainforests,” said BHS Principal Jamie Usher.

“We look forward to being Belize ambassadors at the competition.”

Regarding the security systems, BTB said Sadie Vernon High School, St. Luke Methodist Primary School, and Central Christian Primary School will strengthen their security measures and enhance day-to-day monitoring of the grounds and student welfare.

BTB quoted one of the principals saying that “the camera system has helped tremendously in monitoring and improving the safety of our students while they are on the compound, as well as helping our staff feel safe while they carry out their daily duties”.

BTB said the donations are an integral part of their community development program with infrastructure work that is set to start when the school children are out at the end of school year.

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