75 massive tools launched at AI Defence Exhibition

2022-08-13 00:42:49 By : Mr. Billy Ba

On July 11, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh launched 75 newly-developed AI products during the first-ever symposium and exhibition on Artificial Intelligence in Defence (AIDef) in New Delhi.

At one point, Singh quoted Russian President Vladimir Putin: “Whoever becomes the leader in artificial intelligence will rule the world”. However, he further explained India’s belief in the principle of ‘vasudhaiv kutumbakam’ (the whole world is one family), and the country has no intention to rule the world.

It is an MLOps solution that eases deep learning development and deployment cycle by providing a simple means to create, edit, and deploy ML models.

System of Disseminated Parallel Control Computing in real time (DPCC)

In real-time, this system uses several processing units to perform parallel processing, eliminating time delays and reducing risks.

It is an Edge AI vision platform that helps monitor machines with alerts and notifications and remote diagnostics.

iSentinel is a deep learning-based threat detection and tracking system that has advanced learning algorithms.

Sapper System – Mine detection UGV

It is a mine detection unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) that can detect and mark mines using an illuminating spray.

AI capability in Swarm Drones 

Each of these drones is powered with distributed active collision avoidance algorithms. These algorithms compute potential future collision with every other drone and alter its path.

Project Drone Feed Analysis – AI based RPA feed and data analysis

It is an AI deep learning-based identification system that builds a database repository and carries out analysis providing military patterns of enemy operations and prediction of events.

Silent sentry (Rail Mounted Robot with AI)

It is designed to plug the gaps in surveillance networks. The army design bureau has also shared its design to produce in large numbers. 

DAHAK – Automated fast Interface Boat (AFIB)

DAHAK is an indigenously developed platform that was developed in collaboration with BEL with advanced software and algorithms to perform autonomous operations even in dense maritime traffic and shallow water areas. 

This AI-enabled automated room intervention drone systems is enabled with lethal and non-lethal payloads are used to carry out building clearance and urban surveillance in GPS-denied areas. 

DRDO Young Scientist Laboratory and Cognitive Technologies addressed certain issues and developed this project, using deep neural networks and reinforcement learning methods in target detection, angular estimation, and waveform adaptation.

AI-Enabled Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)

An AI-enabled ROV has been developed for underwater inspections of marine/civil infrastructure with advanced capabilities for feature recognition. 

This AI-enabled chatbot has helped the digitalisation of employee services by providing information directly in their mobile phones. 

Enhanced Collaborative Autonomous Rover System (ECARS) UGV is a multipurpose, multi-terrain modular platform. The perception and navigation modules are AI-powered, enhancing the vehicle’s capability to traverse across multi terrains.

Distributed Ledger is the concept used for development with necessary identity management and control mechanisms to protect the data shared among different organisations. This proposed use-case solution is planned to provide transparency, security and auditability for file sharing among Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs) using blockchain.

AI-Based Intercept Management System (IMS)

IMS is indigenous software developed using visualisation techniques and artificial intelligence to interpret op-critical data, thereby generating accurate pictures.

AI-Based Motion Detection & Target Identification System in LC

Proactive Real-time Intelligence and Surveillance Monitoring System (PRISM) is an AI system capable of generating real-time audio/ visual alerts detecting suspicious enemy movements from multiple surveillance inputs. 

Continuously Observing Ubiquitously Available AI-Surveillance System (Choukass)

Choukass is designed to obtain early warning of any intrusions. The information is transmitted through a small in-built NB-IoT satellite module to a customised web portal accessible at its surveillance centres.

AI-Enabled Airborne Electro-Optic Infrared System

DRDO’s object detection and classification system is based on advanced AI algorithms and it helps in border surveillance and monitoring suspicious personnel and vehicular movement.

Deep Learning Toolkit for Aerospace and Defence

This toolkit can be used for automatic target recognition, and training pilots against intelligent adversaries. 

Adversary Network Analysis Tool (ANANT)

The tool analyses multi-mode and multi-relational adversary networks. Its potential users are intelligence agencies and defence forces for the identification of criminal tracking.

Target Tracking for Complex Naval Scenarios 

The system is useful in surveilling naval targets for low, mid, and long-range applications for firing.

The model detects wild animals from the video sequence and triggers an alarm to alert the train operator to take precautionary measures. 

Enemy Aircraft Activity Recognition & Classification

Air defence systems can use the module to improve situational awareness and response to enemy intrusion.

AI-Based Anomaly Detection for Maritime Domain

This model uses approach for motion pattern extraction and detection in maritime vessel traffic and based on circular quad trees.

Passive ranging using a classifier

The system detects objects in the images and then uses pinhole camera geometry to estimate the range. It can estimate the ranges of the object from a single image.

AI Based Passive TWS (Track While Scan) System

It is a system for naval surveillance application to monitor objects of interest using a camera mounted on a Pan-Tilt Platform. PATWAR generates a 360-degree panorama view of the surrounding area and then detects the objects of interest using deep learning.

Development of Machine Algorithms for Maritime Anomaly Detection

Deep Darshak(TM) is an AI/ML-based platform for carrying out analytics on AIS and other ship position data to assist the users in identifying vessels of interest and suspicious activity.

Enhancing UDA by use of AI/ML and other Novel Techniques

UDA processes voluminous data to discern objects/sounds of interest amidst the background noise. Ambient noise cancellation and better algorithms/signal processing can also increase the detection range.

AI/Big Data for Acoustic and Magnetic Signature Analysis

The system uses AI to identify the inception of cavitation, tonals and correlate the tonals to data analysis reports. 

This system analyses the weaknesses of the android applications. It reports the detected malware and performs audits and exploits (for vulnerability proof of concept purposes) on Android applications. Malware detection is done using deep learning libraries. 

The system detects the onset of drowsiness in the driver while the vehicle is in motion.  A camera inside the cabin films the driver constantly. 

 It is a facial Recognition System for Population Monitoring, Surveillance and Garrison Security. It is an analysis system for identifying and tracking threats for counter-terrorism, continuous surveillance, and monitoring of disturbed areas.

PROJ V-LOGGER V-logger Vehicle Tracking System

It is an AI-based software tool for detecting and tracking civilian vehicles using licence plates. The system uses  AI, and deep learning algorithms for real-time vehicle detection from live video feeds.

Face Recognition System under Disguise

This algorithm has been trained for the face recognition system can see through several disguises like face masks, beards, moustaches, etc.

Segmentation of Satellite Panchromatic Videos

This module performs automatic land cover classification of grey-level satellite imagery to produce four land cover classes: water, forest, bare land and urban area, including buildings and vehicles. 

AI based 360° Surrounding View Monitoring System

It is a 360-degree camera monitoring system that assists low-speed manoeuvring by providing the driver with a complete surrounding view of the vehicle in real-time. 

It is a system for helicopter maintenance that uses recorded vibration data onboard the helicopter and processes it to compute various condition Indicators (CIs). The AI-based algorithm then uses these indicators to compute the remaining useful life.

It is an indigenised solution that provides comprehensive real-time geospatial situational awareness backed by cutting-edge R&D.

AI-Based Technique for Prediction of Atmospheric Visibility

Using a statistical concept called time series and ML algorithms, this system make visibility forecasts in real time.

This camera powers the next generation of vision analysis giving the best of worlds in processing power and resolution.

Deepsight Canopy Inspection for Fighter Jets

It is an AI-based machine vision system for automatic inspection of surface defects. 

 Internet of Battle Things (IoBT): Smart Helmets

This helmet comprises of an optical sensor mounted on the helmet of an active combat soldier, which in turn is connected to a wearable backpack computer of small form factor.

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) for Smart Cities

ANPR technology is developed with high accuracy for Indian vehicles. The system can detect and recognise licence plates of different types of vehicles. The module is an integral part of Smart City solutions.

AI Enabled Adaptive Traffic Optimization Solution

It is a traffic optimisation solution that aims to reduce travel time, delay at traffic signals, and minimise the average waiting time throughout the network.

Smart – Counter Measure Dispensing System (CMDS)

CMDS protects aircraft against incoming radar-guided missile threats by dispensing flares/chaffs based on the inputs received from various sensors installed on aircraft.

Adaptive Intelligent Front Towing Solution for Artillery Gun

The system provides synchronisation of speed-dependent and turning radius-dependent movement between a driver component and a driven component.

PRO-HM+ (AI-in SCM and Logistics)

It is an aircraft health monitoring software that uses data analysis techniques to identify trends, patterns, and relationships will predict aircraft behaviour, equipment failure and other future events.

Artificial Intelligence Based Predictive Maintenance Suite

The suite uses historical maintenance records, machine sensor data, and weather data to determine when a machine will require maintenance. The system can predict potential failures in real-time, thereby decreasing machine downtime.

Predictive Maintenance for Gun Fire Control Systems

This real-time predictive system has been developed and deployed to predict better maintenance of PCBs by detecting anomaly/failures/early warning and asset conditions parameters.

AI Based Predictive Maintenance of Delhi Metro Rail Equipment 

This tool predicts equipment failure based on equipment health, historical patterns of failures, and periodic maintenance schedules.

Alloy Development through Artificial Intelligence

The project aims at designing a framework for new alloy design using AI and can be used with specific applications for any alloy systems, like superalloys and titanium alloys.

Predictive Maintenance of Mining Equipment Through Data Analytics and Telematics Enabled System

The system uses modern, analytical techniques to reduce the cost of maintenance and downtime. It does so by early identification of imminent equipment failure.

Condition Monitoring System for Shipboard Equipment (Main Engine)

GSL and Infosys have jointly developed the system for OPV class ships using AI. The system predicts the time of likely failure enabling predictive maintenance of main engines installed on board. 

AI-Enabled Evaluation of Welding Defects in X-rays of NDT

With an accuracy of 90 per cent, the software has replaced the manual inspection system of weld defects in X-rays of NDT.

AI-Enabled Fake News Detector as Part of Social Media Analytics

BEL has developed this advanced computational models using ML and NLP to identify fake news/sourced from various social media and sound the alarm to users.

Operational Data Analytics for Naval Platform

The platform has stored sensor data from all the naval ships. It uses big data analytics to predict sensor performance and recommends the best naval ships for mission categorisation. 

AI Enabled Automatic Information Extraction and Synthesis

BEL developed the system for machine comprehension, video summarisation, fake image detection and speaker diarisation. 

Sarvatra Pehchaan – AI Based Intrusion Detection & Integrated Command Station 

SarvatraPechaan considers a fusion of sensory feeds from multiple imaging systems and sensors on a single dashboard. AI-based video analytics techniques are used for anomaly detection, allowing rapid intervention.

AI-Enabled Forensic Search for Videos

Camera-stream recorded videos are processed using AI techniques to identify the objects in the scene.

The system uses deep learning technology to identify various human gestures like human walking, crawling, crouching, with or without a gun. It can be easily integrated into a network of IP-enabled cameras.

Audio Doppler Based Object Classification

The system determines the nature of a target moving in the radar’s field of view using its doppler return signal.

 AI-Based Automation of Water Sprinkling System

The system will monitor dust concentration in open cast mines, process the data using artificial neural networks and actuate the output to switch on the corresponding solenoid driver to do the desired water sprinkling operation. 

AI-Based Lighting Control system on HEMM (Heavy Earth Moving Machinery) 

The system uses AI for human detection. It turns on the equipment lights when a person approaches the equipment to ensure adequate illumination for the operator to climb up to the equipment safely.

AI-Enabled Weld Inspection Machine with Computerised Radiography-(AI-RT)

The tool is the replacement of X-ray film technique that is used currently in conventional radiography for weld inspection. 

AI-Enabled Weld Inspection Machine with Advanced Phased Array Ultrasound Technique-(AI-UT) 

This tool employs an advanced phased array ultrasound technique using total focusing approach tools. It is augmented with AI data analytics. This can replace X-ray techniques that are used generally for weld inspection.

This technology facilitates an automated inspection and cleaning of large calibre artillery and tank guns.

It is a technology that can be customised to undertake structural integrity analysis of various types of metal structures and fittings. 

Development of Artificial Intelligence-based training modules for technicians for operation and maintenance of SU – 30 MKl aircraft

The solution enables the operators to take up the most challenging procedures for hands-on virtual training with real-time rectification and performance analytics.

It is a wearable device for speech-to-speech translation that accepts input in one source language and converts it into an equivalent audio/speech of the target language.

It is the only solution in India wherein a GPU-based algorithm can be deployed in CPU-based hardware. Being offline does not entail any kind of dependency.

The system will enable the understanding of the source language without requiring a translator.

AI-Enabled Voice Transcription Software 

This module works uniquely by applying speaker and language recognition functionalities to explore the capability of revealing significant insights into the dynamics of hidden communication.

Voice Activated Command System (VACS)

VACS recognises the pilot’s voice commands and sends the recognised voice command codes to the mission computer for carrying out the Pilot’s intended action. 

A platform capable of processing all major forms of intelligence data – audio, video, text and images. Intelligent agencies and frontline positioned units can use the device to decode foreign language messaging. To learn more about the tools, click here.

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